
About the Artist

Peter Radsch, a veteran artist of 50 years, specializes in mandalas and labyrinths. The meanings woven into the geometric patterns of this ancient art form draw on mythology, mathematics, astrology, symmetry, and design. The creation of beautiful canvases is all the more remarkable as Peter is color-blind.   - if you are interested in inquiring if a piece is available for purchase, contact his  agent  here. - For me, creating a mandala is a journey of  discovery  and  imagination  that brings forth the spirit and wonder of life. -- Peter Radsch  chaos order mixed media on canvas 3'x3' Here are some thoughts about my inspiration for my art: I’ve always been interested in matters of the mind as well as math. Mandalas can not only reveal the geometry of nature and the symbols that live in our lives, but can also offer a portal that links the mind to the cosmos.  I discovered mandalas during a particularly difficul...

Modern Mandalas, Ancient Symbolism

The Artist and the Cosmos

Fourth Dimension Circle


Golden Spirals
